Before your visit

Guests with disabilities who are not self-sufficient, those who cannot access the rides/attractions on their own and who hold assistance certification (e.g. wheelchair users, guests with behaviour/intellectual disorders, autism, Down’s syndrome, blind or partially sighted...) have the right to free admission to our facilities.
A chaperon is entitled to reduced cost admission (there are no discounts on season passes and/or membership). Any other members of the group must pay full price for their tickets.
For guests with disabilities who have certification but no official companion permit, we reserve a special rate ticket AVAILABLE ONLY at the WELCOME DESK office (there are no discounts on season tickets and/or memberships), but no discount for any companion.
Tickets can be purchased from our website (except for tickets reserved for self-sufficient guests with disabilities, which can only be purchased at the WELCOME DESK office) or at the Park's ticket offices (at a higher rate), while any free entrance tickets should be picked up exclusively at the Welcome Desk entrance upon presentation of appropriate certification.
We remind you, also, that if you wish to purchase a season pass, payment may be made online or directly at the main ticket offices, while the issue of any free pass is made exclusively at the Welcome Desk office, upon presentation of the necessary certification.
On the day of the visit, we invite guests with disabilities to go to our Welcome Desk office to receive all the necessary information regarding the Park and ticket collection.
We require one of the following certification documents:
- INPS certificate (statement of invalidity)
- ASL (local health authority) certificate
- Disability Card (the visitor MUST be able to access the certification and open the complete documentation)
- certificate stating the disability condition, issued by an official authority
The Gardaland Park carpark has some places reserved, free of charge, for guests with disabilities.
On arrival at the carpark payment point, you must show your blue parking badge issued by the authority (N.B. in the car there must be the holder of the badge)
The reserved parking is located near sectors C and D; our staff will indicate the quickest route for you.
Warning: limited places, subject to availability!
Guide dogs
Guide dogs are welcome at Gardaland Park but, for safety reasons, they cannot accompany you on all rides/attractions. They must remain outside the ride/attraction unless expressly allowed admission, and must be left with your chaperon or other member of your group. Guide dogs are also allowed admission to Gardaland SEA LIFE Aquarium.
For more information, please contact our Resort Info Centre.
Contact Us
If you have specific requests or need further information regarding access to our facilities, please contact us here or go to the Welcome Desk on the day that you visit.